In a bid to alleviate the challenges faced by its citizens during the holy month of Ramadan, the Jigawa State Government, under the leadership of Governor Namadi, has embarked on a significant initiative. The government has allocated over 1.9 billion naira for the purchase and distribution of essential food items to the people of Jigawa State.
The initiative includes the purchase of 150,000 bags of rice, 150,000 bags of maize, and 100,000 packages of spaghetti, which will be distributed to households across the state. This effort aims to provide relief to families and individuals during the fasting period, ensuring that they have access to nutritious meals despite the economic challenges faced by many.
Governor Namadi flagged off the distribution of these food items, emphasizing the government's commitment to the welfare of its citizens, especially during times of need. He urged residents to make the best use of the palliatives and assured them of the government's continued support.
The distribution of the food palliatives is part of the government's broader efforts to cushion the effects of the current economic situation and improve the well-being of the people of Jigawa State. The government remains dedicated to implementing policies and programs that enhance the quality of life for all residents.
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