Jigawa State Launches Danmodi Healthcare for the Poor and Vulnerable by Garzali Saleh

Jigawa New Media Office

In their book, "Poor Economics: A Radical Rethinking of the Way  to Help the World's Poor", Duflo and Banerjee argue that the poor have a strong need for insurance(Including Health Insurance) because they are  exposed to more and greater risk than the wealthy: Their jobs (often in agriculture or casual labor) are unstable, they’re more vulnerable to disease, and they endure violence more often. Living on a knife’s edge of financial security, the slightest setback can be catastrophic for the poor. These people, are more vulnerable to health risks such as injuries due to the nature of their jobs. Also, these people suffer a lot in terms of natural disasters such as flood, draught and such other environmental risks paused by deforestation and desertification. These and many others can lead to so many economic development problems include falling into debt traps and asset depletion in order to access the necessary Medicare. For example in His book "Development as Freedom", Amartya Sen, argues that, development is not about economic growth or income expansion, but rather on ensuring among other things the social freedom (educational and Healthcare).
In the United States, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has helped millions of people gain health insurance, reducing the number of bankruptcies due to medical debt. In Rwanda, a community-based health insurance program has increased access to healthcare for low-income individuals, resulting in improved health outcomes. In Japan, the universal health insurance system covers approximately 90% of medical expenses, making healthcare accessible to all.  In Costa Rica, a public health insurance program has contributed to improved health outcomes, including a higher life expectancy and lower infant mortality rate. In India, the government-sponsored Ayushman Bharat health insurance program has provided financial protection to millions of vulnerable individuals. With the commitment of both the government and its agents, I am confident that, the Danmodi Healthcare For All will achieve all of the above cited examples and more.

Effective health insurance is important to the socio economic well being of a people in so many ways that one: it reduces medical financial burden, improves health status of the people, enhances allocation of resources to other essentials thereby reducing out of pocket expenses, increases labor productivity thereby enhancing the opportunities to pursue education, entrepreneurship, and carreer advancement, reduces healthcare inflation thereby reducing the risk of poverty thus promoting economic security and stability. 
In a landmark move, the Jigawa State government has introduced the Danmodi Healthcare program, aimed at providing quality medical services to 500 beneficiaries across the 287 political wards. Led by Malam Isah Surajo, the technical committee has selected Apex PHC facilities to deliver this vital service. Already, the technical team has provided a platform for registering the beneficiaries and the work has been concluded. The state government has already approved and disbursed the sum of N1.5bn for the take off of the program. In order to ensure the quality effective referral program, the government also provided the sum 500million Naira as a fee for service. Also, the government has ordered for the upgrade of the 287 Apex PHC facilities across. This upgrade, will include an overhaul renovation of the main hospital complex, fencing the complex and construction of houses for medical personnel of the hospitals across the state. Also in order to alleviate the scorching nature of medical bills especially those that have Renal Failure, the governor also approved for establishments and construction, five dialysis center across the state to run free dialysis to citizens of the state.

This initiative is a significant step towards ensuring access to healthcare for the most vulnerable segments of the population. Health insurance programs like Danmodi Healthcare have been instrumental in improving healthcare outcomes globally. For instance, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the United States has increased healthcare accessibility and affordability for millions of Americans. Similarly, Rwanda's community-based health insurance program has led to improved health outcomes and reduced financial burdens for low-income individuals. By providing health insurance coverage, the Danmodi Healthcare program will not only improve access to quality medical services but also contribute to the socio-economic development of the beneficiaries. Studies have shown that health insurance can lead to increased productivity, reduced poverty, and improved overall well-being.

The selection of Apex PHC facilities ensures that beneficiaries will receive quality care at conveniently located centers. This program demonstrates the Jigawa State government's commitment to prioritizing the health and well-being of its citizens.

As the program rolls out, it is essential mention for note that, the governor is serious about it  have pledged to ensure sustainability and expansion to reach even more vulnerable individuals. The Danmodi Healthcare program has the potential to be a model for other states and regions, showcasing the impact of health insurance on the lives of marginalized segments of the population.

Congratulations to the Jigawa State government and the technical committee for this laudable initiative. We look forward to seeing the positive impact on the lives of the beneficiaries.

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