In a groundbreaking move to support higher education, the Jigawa State Government under the leadership of Mallam Umar A. Namadi FCA has undertaken a remarkable initiative by covering the registration fees, providing laptops, and offering a 100,000 Naira token to 32 law students set to embark on their legal education journey.
The event, which unfolded today at the Government House Dutse, was graced by the presence of the Attorney General and Commissioner of Law, Commissioner of works, commissioner of land along with the Senior Special Assistant to the Governor on Students' Affairs. This underscores the government's commitment to education and nurturing the legal talent within the state.
The decision to alleviate the financial strain on these students by covering registration fees and supplying laptops showcases the government's dedication to fostering an environment where academic excellence thrives. The 100,000 Naira token further demonstrates the state's support in ensuring that students can focus on their studies without undue financial worries.
Speaking at the event, Mallam Umar A. Namadi expressed his pride in supporting the next generation of legal professionals. He emphasized the crucial role that education plays in societal development and affirmed the government's pledge to invest in the future leaders of Jigawa State.
The recipients of these generous provisions conveyed their heartfelt gratitude for the government's unwavering support. This initiative not only empowers them academically but also exemplifies the state's vision for creating opportunities and fostering success in the legal field.
Mallam Garba Al-Hadejawy FCAI, FIMC
Special Assistant to the Governor
(New Media)
January 26, 2024